If I’m being completely honest, part of my reasoning for writing about this is that I’m in a sewing rut. I am unmotivated and have lost my sewjo. I can’t remember the last time I sewed something just for fun. I’m ready to get back to why I fell in love with sewing and reignite that joy again.
Declutter and Organize:
Whether you are a person who can focus better with a clean workspace, or the amount of clutter around you does not affect your day at all, tidying up and organizing your workspace is a good place to start.
My sewing area has been in many different areas. There’s been a room that was a combination office, sewing room, and workout space. When we had more kids I moved to a small desk in the corner of the living room. I’ve also used my dining room table and my bedroom for sewing areas. You don’t have to have a full-on designated sewing room to get organized. I do currently have my own sewing room, but I often use my kitchen counter for cutting and planning. Even in my kitchen, I declutter before getting started so I don’t have to move around everything.
As I start my journey to find my sewjo, my sewing room is a huge mess. There are things left over from Christmas, snow gear, assorted craft items, and piles of unfinished projects. I’m going out of my comfort zone here and sharing a picture of my sewing room before it is organized.

Before starting any organizing, remove anything that belongs somewhere else in your home. Next, sort anything that is remaining into piles of similar items. Most of what is left should be the things used for sewing.
When I had my sewing area and all of my fabrics and supplies in separate rooms of my house I would still declutter and organize everything in a way that worked with the space I was in. I use several plastic containers with drawers for things I use more frequently, a small rolling cart when I need to move around more, and a collection of small containers and jars for storing my buttons, scissors, and all the things I use regularly.
For organizing ideas, scroll to the end for a list of tutorials on our blog!
Make Your Sewing Area a Happy Place
No matter where you do your sewing, it helps to make the area a place that makes you happy. When I sewed at my dining room table, I strung a clothesline across the wall and I hung up my girls’ artwork. With a small table in my bedroom, I had pictures of my girls and husband up. In my current sewing room, I have a variety of pictures and crafts my girls have made for me, my robot collection, and art that I love to look at. If the things in your sewing area bring you joy, it can boost your mood and put you in a good headspace to get that creativity going.

Plan Your Sewing Project
When you start to plan a project to get your sewjo going, think about projects that you will really enjoy making. Something within your current skillset will help avoid frustration and giving up. If you choose to make a clothing item, make sure to remeasure yourself to make sure you have the correct size printed and ready to go. Read through the tutorial before getting started to make sure you have all of the supplies you will need and the proper type of fabric. Take your time as you go and enjoy the process of creating.
Once you are feeling like you’ve gotten that sewjo back, continue to find things to keep you motivated and keep sewing exciting for you. Try learning new skills and techniques to challenge yourself. It had been a long time since I had tested any patterns so I jumped into the Quinn cardigan test and made a hack tutorial for it as well.

You can always scroll through the blog to find project ideas and fun things to sew to help you get your sewing room organized!
Organization solutions on the Blog

- Pin cushions

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What a great story Tiffany’. Thank you for sharing.