Hang your family stockings at the fireplace with pride. You’ll slip into bed Christmas Eve knowing Santa will be uber impressed with how absolutely amazing you are. He’ll ponder how you managed the sweetest, most lovely, perfectly sized stocking in the entire neighborhood. Then, he’ll promptly add an extra gift under the tree just for YOU.
Seriously, its’s cute, fun, and easy to make!
Options include:
- Stocking with cuff
- Stocking without cuff
- Pattern pieces for both 8.5×11 and A4
- Full detailed tutorial
Make sure you check out ALL our FREE patterns!
Come share your stockings in our Facebook group or on Instagram! Want to share the love? Share this listing on Pinterest and/or subscribe to our YouTube channel and share our videos! Jessica has Tipsy Tuesday live every week on YouTube. We have a new giveaway EVERY WEEK! We’d love it if you could join us.
We’ve got a long list of free tutorials coming your way this fall! Make sure you sign up to receive our newsletter so you’re in the KNOW. I promise I won’t spam your account.
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