I can’t believe I forgot to post this EPIC Tipsy Tuesday! I mean, really, how many times am I going to dress up as Napoleon Dynamite and do the first thirty seconds of his dance? Ok, don’t answer that because I’ll probably do it more than once!
This week on Tipsy Tuesday, I was sponsored by Sew Fit Fabrics. I am in LOVE with the supplex I received from Sew Fit! It is GLORIOUS. I want to sleep in it. Instead, I made my 11-year-old a circle skirt and a gorgeous new leotard. Whhhhyyyyy?! She’s spoiled! hahaha No, she’s not spoiled. She really enjoys the stuff I make for her and wears it frequently! Plus, she’ll post for pictures. I still haven’t taken any pictures, but ONE DAY we’ll get out there and she’ll pose!
I also talked about 5oo4’s newest pattern, the Women’s Annabeth Sweatshirt, the 4k Instagram giveaway, and our 20% off (including bundles) through Thursday (Oct 31). Watch to find out how to win a $25 gift certificate to Sew Fit Fabrics. (Unfortunately, all of this information is old and the giveaway and the sale are over! My bad.)
Men’s Rocky Tee (what I’m wearing)
Check out our sponsor: https://sewfitfabrics.com/
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