The home stretch … the most exciting part of any project – the last stitches and final fit check of our Shenanigans Sewalong!
Shenanigans Sewalong Day 5: Attach Shorts and Skirt to Waistband
Let’s just jump right in!
Step 1: Insert shorts inside skirt as instructed in tutorial. You can baste the two together if it helps you keep things lined up. I personally don’t, but I think basting would have saved me a lot dates with my seam ripper when I first started sewing knits! 🙂
Step 2: Add waistband and (optional) elastic as instructed in the tutorial. Have I mentioned that I LOVE my WonderClips!?! They are amazing! They make quartering super easy, and they even have markings to help you maintain an even seam allowance. What?!!? Yes. They really are a useful tool.
Quick fit check…I am thrilled with the results! And I can’t wait to see YOURS!
Be sure to check the blog tomorrow for final submission information and prize details!
If you have some extra time, please visit our Sponsor Highlight of the day … Pink Zeppelin Fabrics.
They have a little bit of everything…some crazy, FUN prints, Red-White-Blue, tons of sparkles, and even some yummy ones, too!!!
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