Here we are in the final day of the Rosanna Sew Along and if you’re anything like me you’re very anxious try that Rosanna on!
Take a pic of today’s progress and post in the official Day Five thread in our FACEBOOK group to win a $5 Starbucks Giftcard for participating today and to be entered to win final prizes from our lovely sponsors on Monday, July 23! We’ll pick prize winners Monday. This means you have ALL WEEKEND to catch up, take pics and post to the OFFICIAL THREAD!
If you missed day one you can find it right HERE! You can find day two HERE,day three HERE and day four is right HERE. Make sure you catch up and join us for all the prizes!
Here’s what’s coming up the rest of the week:
Saturday: Picture Day (or catch-up day)!
Sunday: Submit final photo.
Monday: WINNERS announced on the blog!
We’re anxious to know how you did today! Even if you’ve just found us head on over to your FB page and join us for all the goings on!
As always, we’re here to help if you need it! Join us HERE and on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and Pinterest. We’re everywhere you are.
Can’t wait to see you tomorrow!
Don’t forget to check out all of our lovely sponsors!
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