Today we will complete steps 5-9 which are the channels and the drawstrings. To create the channels, sew a long straight stitch down the center line of each leg. This line is marked on the pattern piece. Then sew a line on either side of the center line to create two channels.
Next you will want to topstitch around the bottom of each leg from one edge of the channels to the other edge of the channels. I used a zigzag stitch. Make sure you don’t topstitch the channel area!
Cut small slits in the bottom of each channel. Make sure to not clip any of your stitches.
Create your drawstrings by folding right sides together and stitch down the long edge. There are several different ways to turn small tubes. You can use a tube turning tool, a safety pin, the ribbon method or I use a pair of tweezers and a chopstick. Experiment and figure out which method is easiest for you.
Now we need to insert the drawstrings in to the channels. You can use a safety pin for this. I love my bodkin for this. It is easier for me to feed through small channels. Once you have your drawstrings inserted, tack down the top with a few stitches to hold in place.
Tomorrow will be a catch up day and we will finish the shorts up on Saturday!
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